School Performance

A school is held accountable for the performance of its pupils. In a primary school there are a number of statutory assessments that take place throughout the year.

These statutory assessments are:

Year GroupStatutory AssessmentWhen Administered/Assessed
EYFSAssessment against the Early Leaning Goals.May/June
Year 1Phonics Screening TestJune
Year 2Key Stage 1 SATS and teacher assessments in reading, Writing, Spelling, punctuation and grammar and Science.

Additionally, phonics assessments for those children who did not pass their screening in Year 1.
Year 4Times tables assessmentJune
Year 6End of key Stage 2 SATS in Reading, Grammar Spelling and Punctuation and Mathematics.

Additionally, teacher assessments in Writing and Science.
SATS tests are administered in May

Results are known in July

A school’s performance data often refers to attainment and progress. Here is a definition to understand these terms academically:

Attainment: the academic standard that pupils reach in, for example, assessments and exams. It’s usually recorded as grades, scores or levels, and it indicates a pupil’s result at the end of a Key Stage.

Progress: pupils’ achievements over a period of time, for example from KS2 to KS4. It’s the difference between pupils’ previous attainment and current attainment. When measuring a pupil’s progress, the DfE also takes into account the progress of pupils with similar starting points.

We publish our results every year on our website and please open the links to find out more about our performance.

Here is the link to the website to view our school Performance Tables