Headteacher Welcome

I would like to wish you a very warm welcome to Hugglescote Community Primary School. This website has been designed to keep parents informed and to give newcomers an introduction to our school, staff, governors and children.
Our motto is
“Enjoy, Learn, Achieve”
Hugglescote Primary School is a thriving, happy and inclusive school where everyone is valued and respected.
I am extremely proud to lead a team that is committed to children’s well-being, achieving high standards and providing the very best opportunities for all in our care. Staff, supported by governors, work hard to deliver a rich and challenging curriculum; to prepare children for future education; and to help them acquire the skills and enthusiasm needed to embrace the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
A feeling of warmth, friendliness and mutual regard underpins all we do at Hugglescote Primary School. We have high expectations of pupils, in their work and in the way, they deal with others. Simply put, we expect children to work to the best of their ability, as well as behave in a courteous and sensible manner at all times.
Parents and carers play a very important part of school life, and we value our partnership with them. We all share responsibility for the children’s education, and we look forward to working closely together in their best interests. We encourage parents to become involved in all aspects of school life, so that, as partners, we can promote high standards of learning, behaviour and attitudes to enable every child to reach their full potential.
We believe Hugglescote Primary School is a school to be proud of; a place where children learn and enjoy doing so. We wish your child a happy and successful time at our school.