Sports Funding

Sports funding was introduced by the Government in 2013 and is based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6. The government currently provides funding of £320 million per annum to provide substantial primary school sports funding. The funding is jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and ensures monies go directly to primary school Head teachers to spend on improving the quality of Physical Education and Sport for every child. Each school receives £16,000 plus an extra £10 per pupil each year so in 2020-21Hugglescote received £ ……….

‘Getting the nation moving every day is essential. We know that there is a strong link between attainment and educational outcomes and the health and wellbeing of pupils. At a personal level it’s fun and sociable – and helps people stay physically and mentally well.’

Guidance to increase physical activity among children and young people in schools and colleges Public Health England 2020

As a school we research best practise and use our own data to inform our spending. In accordance with Government guidance, we use our PE and Sport Premium to secure improvements in the following 5 key indicators:

1. Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity, e.g. we target activities or support to involve and encourage the least active children; we run active play during break times and lunchtimes, we monitor the attendance and availability of extra-curricular clubs, we have adopted the daily mile initiative and we are committed to ensuring that all children meet the requirements of the national curriculum before the end of key stage 2 in being able to swim

2. Profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement e.g. we run sports ambassador and play coaching roles, we have embedded physical activity into the school day through encouraging active travel to and from school, active break times and holding active lessons and teaching,

3. We provide opportunities for building increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport, e.g. we provide staff with professional development, mentoring, appropriate training and resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively to all pupils and embed physical activity across our school. Additionally, we employ an experienced and qualified sports coaches who works with all children across the school teaching PE lessons as well as intervention programmes like Big Moves.

4. We offer a broader experience of a range of sports and activities to all pupils, e.g. we learn yoga, mindfulness and fitness sessions to encourage more pupils to take up sport and physical activities.

5. Increased participation in competitive sport, e.g. by taking part in external competitions organised by our school sports’ partnership, local friendly school competitions as well as intra- school competitions.

‘Leaders have ensured that the primary physical education funding is used effectively to provide a range of sporting opportunities, such as basketball, dodgeball and badminton’.

Ofsted June 2017

North West Leicestershire School Sports Partnership.

The North West Leicestershire School Sports Partnership (NWLSSP) was formed in 2005 as part of the Government’s plan to create 450 SSPs across England. The NWLSSP works with and on behalf of its member schools to develop high quality PE, school sport and physical activity for all pupils within its schools.

We have currently bought into Option 2 for Sports Partnership. This option entitles us:

• To take part in a wide range of School Games approved competitions against other schools in our district (Level 2) and at county (Level 3).

• To access to the Young Leaders programme at the bronze level. NWLSSP train our selected Young Leaders (Sports Ambassadors).

• To access training and support for the Play Coach scheme.

• To access a range of PE CPD for PE for all staff in school throughout the year.

• To attend PLT training days for the PE Leader and Sports Coach.

• To access the equipment loan scheme

NWLSSP has been integral for PE at Hugglescote. It has allowed us to improve the delivery and quality of PE lessons, through staff training. It has allowed us to strive to excel at competitions which has raised the aspirations of us as a “sporting school”, particularly athletics, badminton and gymnastics. The wide range of competitions on offer has meant that we have also been able to provide opportunities to a greater number of pupils who would otherwise not have accessed competitive sport outside of school. Our Bronze Ambassadors have worked alongside the school’s sports coach and PE Leader to promote physical activity. In addition, they have helped to organise and run Level 1 competitions in school, such as the Inter-House Football competition and Sports Week. Finally, the play coach scheme has helped to promote active playtimes in KS1 and KS2.

The School Games and the School Games Mark

The School Games, which is funded by Sport England and delivered by the Youth Sport Trust, involves funded School Games Organisers (SGOs) at a local level and Local Organising Committees (LOCs) at a county level working together to deliver intra and inter-school competitions throughout the year. The School Games Mark is an awards scheme which reward schools for their commitment to the development of physical activity and competition across their school and into the community. At the heart of the School Games is its six key values (Spirit of the Games): determination, honesty, passion, respect, self-believe and teamwork.

Participating in this process, has allowed us to evaluate our current provision and develop a clear action plan for future development in PE. In 2019/20, we achieved Gold Level for the School Games Mark, which reflected the hard work and progress that we have made in raising the standard of all aspects of physical activity and competitions. In particular, in 2020, Hugglescote became the best primary school in Leicestershire in both the Key Steps 1 and 2 gymnastics, and the Year 4/5 badminton. Crucially, this process has helped us to place physical education at the heart of being a healthier school. It has improved pupils’ physical health as well as helping develop key life skills and build their resilience. In 2019, we adopted the School Games’ Spirit of the Games values within all PE lessons, clubs and during School Games competitions. Since we have adopted these values in 2018, it has had marked impact on positive behaviours, qualities, and inter-personal skills during physical activity in school and at School Games competitions. This is particularly reflected in pupils’ positive attitudes to the Daily Mile and with our school achieving 4 Spirit of the Games awards in 2019-20 out of 8 competitions entered.


At Hugglescote, we currently provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities during lunchtimes and after-school. The majority of these clubs are training sessions for the School Games competitions that we attend throughout the year. However, some of the clubs have been specifically targeted at certain pupil groups. We run a cross-country club in the autumn and spring term, which then becomes an athletics club in the summer term. This is open to all pupils and year groups. In addition, during the autumn and spring term, we run three very popular gymnastics clubs for KS1 and KS2 pupils. Throughout the year, our Sports Coach runs a multi-skills club after school, where those pupils that do not normally access sporting activities can try out different sports. In addition, we access high quality training from a badminton coach for our Year 4/5 and Year 2 pupils. Finally, we have weekly KS2 training sessions for both boys’ and girls’ football.

Obesity, Healthy Eating and Physical Activity.

We are committed through our curriculum and wider enrichment activities to teach our children about how to be healthy. We are mindful of the information contained within the Government’s Policy Paper in June 2020 entitled: Tackling Obesity: Empowering adults and children to live healthier lives


During 2023/24, in Year 6, 51/63 (81%) could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m.

Please see our attached PE and Sports Premium Strategy for more information.