
Academic progress

1 To improve attainment in Reading, writing and maths.

2 To achieve positive progress scores in Reading, Writing and Maths by the end of Key stage 2

3 To improve outcomes in writing.

4 To ensure all children have the skills to communicate giving them the foundations for future learning.

Quality of education

1 To ensure high quality teaching enables pupils to develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum

2 To ensure the curriculum supports pupils in developing their knowledge, skills and abilities to apply what they know and can do with increasing fluency and independence.

3 To ensure all pupils read widely and often, with fluency and comprehension appropriate to their age.

4 To ensure teachers check pupils understanding systematically, identify misconceptions and provide clear, direct feedback.

Behaviour and attitudes

1 To update the school behaviour policy.

2 To create a culture where children show that they are resilient in the face of difficulties.

3 To improve the attendance and punctuality of pupils particularly those in the vulnerable groups.

Personal development

1 To develop opportunities to nurture, develop and stretch pupils’ talents and interests.

2 To further promote an ethos of inclusion and tolerance through the introduction of the ‘no outsiders’ strategy.

3 To develop meaningful opportunities for pupils to contribute positively to society.

4 To embed the 5 ways to well-being throughout the whole school

Leadership and management

1 To ensure that all leaders, including Governors, are skilled in evaluating, planning, analysing and monitoring so they drive up improvement.

2 To ensure that continuing professional development for teachers and staff enables them to deliver better teaching for pupils.

3 To ensure subject leaders complete regular monitoring activities to monitor the impact of the redesigned curriculum and hold others to account.

4 To ensure governors complete rigorous and robust monitoring activities to be able to hold all leaders to account.